OSHA 29 CFR 1926 – Safety and Health Regulations for Construction Posted by Binh Pham Categories Learning, OSHA Books Date January 10, 2022 PART 1926โSAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION Subpart A-General 1926.1ย ย Purpose and scope. 1926.2ย ย Variances from safety and health standards. 1926.3ย ย Inspections-right of entry. 1926.4ย ย Rules of practice for administrative adjudications for enforcement of safety and health standards. 1926.5ย ย OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act. 1926.6ย ย Incorporation by reference. Subpart B-General Interpretations 1926.10ย ย Scope of subpart. 1926.11ย ย Coverage under section 103 of the act distinguished. 1926.12ย ย Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950. 1926.13ย ย Interpretation of statutory terms. 1926.14ย ย Federal contract for “mixed” types of performance. 1926.15ย ย Relationship to the Service Contract Act; Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act. 1926.16ย ย Rules of construction. Subpart C-General Safety and Health Provisions 1926.20ย ย General safety and health provisions. 1926.21ย ย Safety training and education. 1926.22ย ย Recording and reporting of injuries. [Reserved] 1926.23ย ย First aid and medical attention. 1926.24ย ย Fire protection and prevention. 1926.25ย ย Housekeeping. 1926.26ย ย Illumination. 1926.27ย ย Sanitation. 1926.28ย ย Personal protective equipment. 1926.29ย ย Acceptable certifications. 1926.30ย ย Shipbuilding and ship repairing. 1926.32ย ย Definitions. 1926.33ย ย Access to employee exposure and medical records. 1926.34ย ย Means of egress. 1926.35ย ย Employee emergency action plans. Subpart D-Occupational Health and Environmental Controls 1926.50ย ย Medical services and first aid. 1926.51ย ย Sanitation. 1926.52ย ย Occupational noise exposure. 1926.53ย ย Ionizing radiation. 1926.54ย ย Nonionizing radiation. 1926.55ย ย Gases, vapors, fumes, dusts, and mists. 1926.56ย ย Illumination. 1926.57ย ย Ventilation. 1926.58ย ย COVIDโ19. 1926.59ย ย Hazard communication. 1926.60ย ย Methylenedianiline. 1926.61ย ย Retention of DOT markings, placards and labels. 1926.62ย ย Lead. 1926.64ย ย Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals. 1926.65ย ย Hazardous waste operations and emergency response. 1926.66ย ย Criteria for design and construction of spray booths. Subpart E-Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment 1926.95ย ย Criteria for personal protective equipment. 1926.96ย ย Occupational foot protection. 1926.97ย ย Electrical protective equipment. 1926.98ย ย [Reserved] 1926.100ย ย Head protection. 1926.101ย ย Hearing protection. 1926.102ย ย Eye and face protection. 1926.103ย ย Respiratory protection. 1926.104ย ย Safety belts, lifelines, and lanyards. 1926.105ย ย Safety nets. 1926.106ย ย Working over or near water. 1926.107ย ย Definitions applicable to this subpart. Subpart F-Fire Protection and Prevention 1926.150ย ย Fire protection. 1926.151ย ย Fire prevention. 1926.152ย ย Flammable liquids. 1926.153ย ย Liquefied petroleum gas (LP-Gas). 1926.154ย ย Temporary heating devices. 1926.155ย ย Definitions applicable to this subpart. Subpart G-Signs, Signals, and Barricades 1926.200ย ย Accident prevention signs and tags. 1926.201ย ย Signaling. 1926.202ย ย Removed. 1926.203ย ย Removed. Subpart H-Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal 1926.250ย ย General requirements for storage. 1926.251ย ย Rigging equipment for material handling. 1926.252ย ย Disposal of waste materials. Subpart I-Tools-Hand and Power 1926.300ย ย General requirements. 1926.301ย ย Hand tools. 1926.302ย ย Power-operated hand tools. 1926.303ย ย Abrasive wheels and tools. 1926.304ย ย Woodworking tools. 1926.305ย ย Jacks-lever and ratchet, screw, and hydraulic. 1926.306ย ย Air receivers. 1926.307ย ย Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. Subpart J-Welding and Cutting 1926.350ย ย Gas welding and cutting. 1926.351ย ย Arc welding and cutting. 1926.352ย ย Fire prevention. 1926.353ย ย Ventilation and protection in welding, cutting, and heating. 1926.354ย ย Welding, cutting, and heating in way of preservative coatings. Subpart K-Electrical General 1926.400ย ย Introduction. 1926.401ย ย [Reserved] Installation Safety Requirements 1926.402ย ย Applicability. 1926.403ย ย General requirements. 1926.404ย ย Wiring design and protection. 1926.405ย ย Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use. 1926.406ย ย Specific purpose equipment and installations. 1926.407ย ย Hazardous (classified) locations. 1926.408ย ย Special systems. 1926.409-1926.415ย ย [Reserved] Safety-Related Work Practices 1926.416ย ย General requirements. 1926.417ย ย Lockout and tagging of circuits. 1926.418-1926.430ย ย [Reserved] Safety-Related Maintenance and Environmental Considerations 1926.431ย ย Maintenance of equipment. 1926.432ย ย Environmental deterioration of equipment. 1926.433-1926.440ย ย [Reserved] Safety Requirements for Special Equipment 1926.441ย ย Batteries and battery charging. 1926.442-1926.448ย ย [Reserved] Definitions 1926.449ย ย Definitions applicable to this subpart. Subpart L-Scaffolds 1926.450ย ย Scope, application and definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.451ย ย General requirements. 1926.452ย ย Additional requirements applicable to specific types of scaffolds. 1926.453ย ย Aerial lifts. 1926.454ย ย Training requirements. (Non-mandatory) Appendix A to Subpart L of Part 1926-Scaffold Specifications (Non-mandatory) Appendix B to Subpart L of Part 1926-Criteria for Determining the Feasibility of Providing Safe Access and Fall Protection for Scaffold Erectors and Dismantlers [Reserved] (Non-mandatory) Appendix C to Subpart L of Part 1926-List of National Consensus Standards (Non-mandatory) Appendix D to Subpart L of Part 1926-List of Training Topics for Scaffold Erectors and Dismantlers (Non-mandatory) Appendix E to Subpart L of Part 1926-Drawings and Illustrations Subpart M-Fall Protection 1926.500ย ย Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.501ย ย Duty to have fall protection. 1926.502ย ย Fall protection systems criteria and practices. 1926.503ย ย Training requirements. Appendix A to Subpart M of Part 1926-Determining Roof Widths Appendix B to Subpart M of Part 1926-Guardrail Systems Appendix C to Subpart M of Part 1926-Personal Fall Arrest Systems Appendix D to Subpart M of Part 1926-Positioning Device Systems Appendix E to Subpart M of Part 1926-Sample Fall Protection Plan Subpart N-Helicopters, Hoists, Elevators, and Conveyors 1926.550ย ย [Reserved] 1926.551ย ย Helicopters. 1926.552ย ย Material hoists, personnel hoists, and elevators. 1926.553ย ย Base-mounted drum hoists. 1926.554ย ย Overhead hoists. 1926.555ย ย Conveyors. Subpart O-Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and Marine Operations 1926.600ย ย Equipment. 1926.601ย ย Motor vehicles. 1926.602ย ย Material handling equipment. 1926.603ย ย Pile driving equipment. 1926.604ย ย Site clearing. 1926.605ย ย Marine operations and equipment. 1926.606ย ย Definitions applicable to this subpart. Subpart P-Excavations 1926.650ย ย Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.651ย ย Specific excavation requirements. 1926.652ย ย Requirements for protective systems. Appendix A to Subpart P of Part 1926-Soil Classification Appendix B to Subpart P of Part 1926-Sloping and Benching Appendix C to Subpart P of Part 1926-Timber Shoring for Trenches Appendix D to Subpart P of Part 1926-Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring for Trenches Appendix E to Subpart P of Part 1926-Alternatives to Timber Shoring Appendix F to Subpart P of Part 1926-Selection of Protective Systems Subpart Q-Concrete and Masonry Construction 1926.700ย ย Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.701ย ย General requirements. 1926.702ย ย Requirements for equipment and tools. 1926.703ย ย Requirements for cast-in-place concrete. 1926.704ย ย Requirements for precast concrete. 1926.705ย ย Requirements for lift-slab construction operations. 1926.706ย ย Requirements for masonry construction. Appendix A to Subpart Q of Part 1926-References to subpart Q of Part 1926 Subpart R-Steel Erection 1926.750ย ย Scope. 1926.751ย ย Definitions. 1926.752ย ย Site layout, site-specific erection plan and construction sequence. 1926.753ย ย Hoisting and rigging. 1926.754ย ย Structural steel assembly. 1926.755ย ย Column anchorage. 1926.756ย ย Beams and columns. 1926.757ย ย Open web steel joists. 1926.758ย ย Systems-engineered metal buildings. 1926.759ย ย Falling object protection. 1926.760ย ย Fall protection. 1926.761ย ย Training. Appendix A to Subpart R of Part 1926-Guidelines for Establishing the Components of a Site-specific Erection Plan: Non-mandatory Guidelines for Complying With ยง1926.752(e) Appendix B to Subpart R of Part 1926 [Reserved] Appendix C to Subpart R of Part 1926-Illustrations of Bridging Terminus Points: Non-mandatory Guidelines for Complying With ยงยง1926.757(a)(10) and ยง1926.757(c)(5) Appendix D to Subpart R of Part 1926-Illustration of the Use of Control Lines To Demarcate Controlled Decking Zones (CDZs): Non-mandatory Guidelines for Complying With ยง1926.760(c)(3) Appendix E to Subpart R of Part 1926-Training: Non-mandatory Guidelines for Complying With ยง1926.761 Appendix F to Subpart R of Part 1926-Perimeter Columns: Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying With ยง1926.756(e) To Protect the Unprotected Side or Edge of a Walking/Working Surface Appendix G to Subpart R of Part 1926-ยง1926.502 (b)-(e) Fall Protection Systems Criteria and Practices Appendix H to Subpart R of Part 1926-Double Connections: Illustration of a Clipped End Connection and a Staggered Connection: Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying With ยง1926.756(c)(1) Subpart S-Underground Construction, Caissons, Cofferdams and Compressed Air 1926.800ย ย Underground construction. 1926.801ย ย Caissons. 1926.802ย ย Cofferdams. 1926.803ย ย Compressed air. 1926.804ย ย Definitions applicable to this subpart. Appendix A to Subpart S of Part 1926-Decompression Tables Subpart T-Demolition 1926.850ย ย Preparatory operations. 1926.851ย ย Stairs, passageways, and ladders. 1926.852ย ย Chutes. 1926.853ย ย Removal of materials through floor openings. 1926.854ย ย Removal of walls, masonry sections, and chimneys. 1926.855ย ย Manual removal of floors. 1926.856ย ย Removal of walls, floors, and material with equipment. 1926.857ย ย Storage. 1926.858ย ย Removal of steel construction. 1926.859ย ย Mechanical demolition. 1926.860ย ย Selective demolition by explosives. Subpart U-Blasting and the Use of Explosives 1926.900ย ย General provisions. 1926.901ย ย Blaster qualifications. 1926.902ย ย Surface transportation of explosives. 1926.903ย ย Underground transportation of explosives. 1926.904ย ย Storage of explosives and blasting agents. 1926.905ย ย Loading of explosives or blasting agents. 1926.906ย ย Initiation of explosive charges-electric blasting. 1926.907ย ย Use of safety fuse. 1926.908ย ย Use of detonating cord. 1926.909ย ย Firing the blast. 1926.910ย ย Inspection after blasting. 1926.911ย ย Misfires. 1926.912ย ย Underwater blasting. 1926.913ย ย Blasting in excavation work under compressed air. 1926.914ย ย Definitions applicable to this subpart. Subpart V-Electric Power Transmission and Distribution 1926.950ย ย General. 1926.951ย ย Medical services and first aid. 1926.952ย ย Job briefing. 1926.953ย ย Enclosed spaces. 1926.954ย ย Personal protective equipment. 1926.955ย ย Portable ladders and platforms. 1926.956ย ย Hand and portable power equipment. 1926.957ย ย Live-line tools. 1926.958ย ย Materials handling and storage. 1926.959ย ย Mechanical equipment. 1926.960ย ย Working on or near exposed energized parts. 1926.961ย ย Deenergizing lines and equipment for employee protection. 1926.962ย ย Grounding for the protection of employees. 1926.963ย ย Testing and test facilities. 1926.964ย ย Overhead lines and live-line barehand work. 1926.965ย ย Underground electrical installations. 1926.966ย ย Substations. 1926.967ย ย Special conditions. 1926.968ย ย Definitions. Appendix A to Subpart V of Part 1926 [Reserved] Appendix B to Subpart V of Part 1926-Working on Exposed Energized Parts Appendix C to Subpart V of Part 1926-Protection From Hazardous Differences in Electric Potential Appendix D to Subpart V of Part 1926-Methods of Inspecting and Testing Wood Poles Appendix E to Subpart V of Part 1926-Protection From Flames and Electric Arcs Appendix F to Subpart V of Part 1926-Work-Positioning Equipment Inspection Guidelines Appendix G to Subpart V of Part 1926-Reference Documents Subpart W-Rollover Protective Structures; Overhead Protection 1926.1000ย ย Rollover protective structures (ROPS) for material handling equipment. 1926.1001ย ย Minimum performance criteria for rollover protective structures for designated scrapers, loaders, dozers, graders, and crawler tractors. 1926.1002ย ย Protective frames (roll-over protective structures, known as ROPS) for wheel-type agricultural and industrial tractors used in construction. 1926.1003ย ย Overhead protection for operators of agricultural and industrial tractors used in construction. Appendix A to Subpart W of Part 1926-Figures W-14 through W-28 Subpart X-Stairways and Ladders 1926.1050ย ย Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.1051ย ย General requirements. 1926.1052ย ย Stairways. 1926.1053ย ย Ladders. 1926.1054-1926.1059ย ย [Reserved] 1926.1060ย ย Training requirements. Appendix A to Subpart X of Part 1926-Ladders Subpart Y-Diving General 1926.1071ย ย Scope and application. 1926.1072ย ย Definitions. Personnel Requirements 1926.1076ย ย Qualifications of dive team. General Operations Procedures 1926.1080ย ย Safe practices manual. 1926.1081ย ย Pre-dive procedures. 1926.1082ย ย Procedures during dive. 1926.1083ย ย Post-dive procedures. Specific Operations Procedures 1926.1084ย ย SCUBA diving. 1926.1085ย ย Surface-supplied air diving. 1926.1086ย ย Mixed-gas diving. 1926.1087ย ย Liveboating. Equipment Procedures and Requirements 1926.1090ย ย Equipment. Recordkeeping 1926.1091ย ย Recordkeeping requirements. Appendix A to Subpart Y of Part 1926-Examples of Conditions Which May Restrict or Limit Exposure to Hyperbaric Conditions Appendix B to Subpart Y of Part 1926-Guidelines for Scientific Diving Subpart Z-Toxic and Hazardous Substances 1926.1100ย ย [Reserved] 1926.1101ย ย Asbestos. 1926.1102ย ย Coal tar pitch volatiles; interpretation of term. 1926.1103ย ย 13 carcinogens (4-Nitrobiphenyl, etc.). 1926.1104ย ย alpha-Naphthylamine. 1926.1105ย ย [Reserved] 1926.1106ย ย Methyl chloromethyl ether. 1926.1107ย ย 3,3′-Dichlorobenzidiene (and its salts). 1926.1108ย ย bis-Chloromethyl ether. 1926.1109ย ย beta-Naphthylamine. 1926.1110ย ย Benzidine. 1926.1111ย ย 4-Aminodiphenyl. 1926.1112ย ย Ethyleneimine. 1926.1113ย ย beta-Propiolactone. 1926.1114ย ย 2-Acetylaminofluorene. 1926.1115ย ย 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene. 1926.1116ย ย N-Nitrosodimethylamine. 1926.1117ย ย Vinyl chloride. 1926.1118ย ย Inorganic arsenic. 1926.1126ย ย Chromium (VI). 1926.1127ย ย Cadmium. 1926.1128ย ย Benzene. 1926.1129ย ย Coke oven emissions. 1926.1144ย ย 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane. 1926.1145ย ย Acrylonitrile. 1926.1147ย ย Ethylene oxide. 1926.1148ย ย Formaldehyde. 1926.1152ย ย Methylene chloride. 1926.1153ย ย Respirable crystalline silica. Subpart AA-Confined Spaces in Construction 1926.1200ย ย [Reserved] 1926.1201ย ย Scope. 1926.1202ย ย Definitions. 1926.1203ย ย General requirements. 1926.1204ย ย Permit-required confined space program. 1926.1205ย ย Permitting process. 1926.1206ย ย Entry permit. 1926.1207ย ย Training. 1926.1208ย ย Duties of authorized entrants. 1926.1209ย ย Duties of attendants. 1926.1210ย ย Duties of entry supervisors. 1926.1211ย ย Rescue and emergency services. 1926.1212ย ย Employee participation. 1926.1213ย ย Provision of documents to Secretary. Subpart BB [Reserved] Subpart CC-Cranes and Derricks in Construction 1926.1400ย ย Scope. 1926.1401ย ย Definitions. 1926.1402ย ย Ground conditions. 1926.1403ย ย Assembly/Disassemblyโselection of manufacturer or employer procedures. 1926.1404ย ย Assembly/Disassemblyโgeneral requirements (applies to all assembly and disassembly operations). 1926.1405ย ย Disassemblyโadditional requirements for dismantling of booms and jibs (applies to both the use of manufacturer procedures and employer procedures). 1926.1406ย ย Assembly/Disassemblyโemployer procedures-general requirements. 1926.1407ย ย Power line safety (up to 350 kV)โassembly and disassembly. 1926.1408ย ย Power line safety (up to 350 kV)โequipment operations. 1926.1409ย ย Power line safety (over 350 kV). 1926.1410ย ย Power line safety (all voltages)โequipment operations closer than the Table A zone. 1926.1411ย ย Power line safetyโwhile traveling. 1926.1412ย ย Inspections. 1926.1413ย ย Wire ropeโinspection. 1926.1414ย ย Wire ropeโselection and installation criteria. 1926.1415ย ย Safety devices. 1926.1416ย ย Operational aids. 1926.1417ย ย Operation. 1926.1418ย ย Authority to stop operation. 1926.1419ย ย Signalsโgeneral requirements. 1926.1420ย ย Signalsโradio, telephone or other electronic transmission of signals. 1926.1421ย ย Signalsโvoice signalsโadditional requirements. 1926.1422ย ย Signalsโhand signal chart. 1926.1423ย ย Fall protection. 1926.1424ย ย Work area control. 1926.1425ย ย Keeping clear of the load. 1926.1426ย ย Free fall and controlled load lowering. 1926.1427ย ย Operator training, certification, and evaluation. 1926.1428ย ย Signal person qualifications. 1926.1429ย ย Qualifications of maintenance & repair employees. 1926.1430ย ย Training. 1926.1431ย ย Hoisting personnel. 1926.1432ย ย Multiple-crane/derrick liftsโsupplemental requirements. 1926.1433ย ย Design, construction and testing. 1926.1434ย ย Equipment modifications. 1926.1435ย ย Tower cranes. 1926.1436ย ย Derricks. 1926.1437ย ย Floating cranes/derricks and land cranes/derricks on barges. 1926.1438ย ย Overhead & gantry cranes. 1926.1439ย ย Dedicated pile drivers. 1926.1440ย ย Sideboom cranes. 1926.1441ย ย Equipment with a rated hoisting/lifting capacity of 2,000 pounds or less. 1926.1442ย ย Severability. Learn more: https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1926 Share: Binh Pham Distinguished 24 years career as an occupational health and safety security and environment (OHSSE) professional in heavy industrial settings, Binh Pham has demonstrated accuracy in dealing with hazardous work practices and conditions. He is competent in providing OHSSE consultations for functional departments and businesses and in providing regulatory compliance and site HSE audits and risk assessments. Binh strives to ensure businesses to develop and maintain a zero-injury safety culture through employees and contractors safety, health and environment training. He has provided loss prevention and risk management consulting parts to a variety of oil and gas, power, manufacturing, construction, and retail/distribution with a track record of satisfying results without Lost Time Injury (LTI) thorough his career. 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